
Another Day in Paradise

Anthi Kougia & Evdokia Noula / FYTA / Nefeli Papaioannou & Dina Kafterani / Vincent Meyrignac / Olga Souri / Katerina Charou / Jean-Damien Charmoille / Rapa Nui (Marion Manika) / Patríς Valkaniçopoulos / Paul-Emile Bertonèche & Macklin Kowal

In the group exhibition that marks the opening of Η(e)avens’ festival program, Greece, a peculiar land, is seen through various visual and audiovisual means: a land bathed in eternal summer, a land whose inhabitants live in a perpetual state of bliss, an earthly paradise where departed shipowners care for the living — a land that exists only in tourist guides, in interviews with government representatives, or in the advertisements of major cultural institutions. The exhibition will remain open until December 17th.

English, Greek





Book collection

O Meteoritis

Throughout the festival, the Fokionos Negri bookstore “O Meteoritis” will be hosting an exhibition figuring a multilingual selection of books addressing the origins of private foundations, as well as their mode of operation in the field of culture. This selection marks the beginning of a library which is yet to be created. All documents are exhibited in a purpose-made reading room.

English, Greek

O Meteoritis



Rotated Soundscapes

Agapi Zarda

Sounds of the city (everyday conversations, protests…) blend with field recordings from Syngrou Avenue or the Delta of Faliro, shaping a dynamic sonic landscape partly defined by chance, partly by the audience itself. The installation will continue throughout the festival.




Sound Installation

Non-profit foundations in culture: staffing and artistic production

Marianna Stefanitsi, Martha Michailidou, Nikos Souliotis

This presentation focuses on the impact of private, non-profit foundations on the cultural scene. It aims to explore the strategy of foundations as it appears in the emerging art world within the local context, and to examine their influence on the human geography of creative professionals and the shaping of artistic trends.





Are libraries “cool” after all? The case of the Stavros Niarchos National Library

Vassilis Georgakis

Thoughts and questions from a library-goer who was (and still is) forced to smoke in the harsh wind of the Faliric Delta, and who is so impressed by the Tower of Books, the beanbags and the Meditation Rooms. Is reading a trial and does it pave the way for engaging critically with the existing order? Or a good excuse for selfies? Are libraries boring? Or are they “cool”?





Everyday place in the context of the contemporary city being taken over by the practices of capital. The case of the Onassis Stegi cultural agenda.

Anastasia Christaki

This presentation aims to explore everyday places and the image of the city as it observes the intense dispossession of social structures and spaces by neoliberal policies. It focuses on the discourse and content of the Onassis Stegi agenda. It explores the meanings attached to everyday place in the light of the contemporary city as a field of investment.





Image Politics and Cultural Foundations

Yorgos Karailias

This presentation focuses on the intertwining of different “configurations” of a well-known image by Yannis Bechrakis (demystified photojournalism, cultural-artistic festivals and political communication) with certain “private cultural foundations”. The latter are construed as the force driving the emergence of such intertwining, which, in the case of the aforementioned image, escaped the criticism even of media supoorting the opposition.





Independent art spaces and the urban dominance of private cultural foundations.

Dimitrios Papachristos, Kristi Petropouou

A study on independent art spaces, their relation to neoliberal development policies and the role of large cultural foundations. The presentation focuses on the dominant role of large cultural organisations and assesses the activities of independent art initiatives in relation to the phenomenon under study.





Shipping, climate crisis, greenwashing

Reporters United

In light of the screening of the film ‘Black Trail,’ a discussion with Reporters United, a network aimed at supporting investigative journalism in Greece, about the covert relationship between shipping and the climate crisis. The discussion also explores how big cultural private institutions associated with this industry address the issue of climate change publicly.




Screening & Discussion


Koukoutas Anastasios, Dimitrios Mytilinaios, Marina Skoutela

Terri(s)tories is a video-document in which people from the dance community of Athens narrate moments and events from the 15 years 2005-2020. Artistic collectives, alternative festivals, new private institutions, autonomous spaces of experimentation, squats, all seem to contribute to and confirm the basic characteristic of this community: nomadism. An open discussion with the public will follow, in the presence of the team that conducted the research.




Video & Discussion

Five minutes together, listening of a common ground

Random post group

We met on social media having art in public space as our common denominator. Our function and purpose has nothing to do with representing a genre of art, or even a common purpose, but with the deeper need to meet. A space for collective listening about art in public spaces. An open mic function as an occasion to meet, talk and lie down side by side, listen and be heard.





Kiss on the Cheek / Solus Ipse

Dimitris Chalatsis

Thιs visual intervention and lecture by the artist and curator Dimitris Chalatsis is an echo of the exhibition he organized in 2021 under the title “Solus Ipse”, which dealt with the role of art and cultural institutions in Greece.


Academia Romantica


Installation & Lecture

Temporary Archaeological Institute

Athina Georgia Koumela

The Temporary Archaeological Institute is a project that, using imagination as a medium, attempts to undermine the notion of the art institute by suggesting that every instituion is, or could be, partly imaginary. Because it is made without any restriction on the use of imagination, it meets the ideals it has set out to the greatest extent possible.


Academia Romantica


Installation & Lecture


WalkΤheLaw – Walking on the Lines of Legal Texts


The route focuses on spaces associated with institutional interventions and on the details of legal texts, while attempting to link official law with what it brings to the “living” public space. At the same time, artistic interventions retrieve experiential records and minor histories in contrast to the one-dimensional space described by official plans. Meeting point: Kato Patissia ISAP Station / End of route: KET / Contributors: Route: Constantina Theodorou / Interventions-actions: Dimitris Georgakopoulos, Xenia Kalpaktsoglou, Yorgia Karidi, Giorgos Papadatos, Anna Tsouloufi-Lagiou, Dimitris Halatsis, Constantinos Hadzinikolaou


Public Space


Walking action

Paradise Papers and Funding of Cultural Institutions

Reporters United

The most confidential and opaque element of the operation and financial power of large cultural institutions in Greece is undoubtedly that of their funding: seats in Liechtenstein or Bermuda, a network of offshore companies… In collaboration with the journalistic team of REPORTERS UNITED, the H(e)avens Festival hosts an original activist and research workshop focused on the use of the Paradise Papers website, with an emphasis on investigating the funding of these institutions.





On the Astounding in art: states of artistic praxis and artistic praxis as a state

Costis Zouliatis, Yiannis Iolaos Maniatis

Costis Zouliatis (musician and researcher) and Yiannis Iolaos Maniatis (musician and classical scholar) discuss the articulation of the type of acts staged in and through the Greek cultural foundations, the projectification of artistic activity and art’s dissociation from its social, political and historical coordinates.





The Transformation of King Constantine

Rocinante group

Pedion Areos, Athens. In front of the statue of King Constantine, Mozart, Billy, Teto, Simbone, Garida, Circe, and Dobby attempt to turn Constantine into Don Quixote. Will they succeed? The video of the action opens up a conversation about the terms of intervention in public space. To what extent is it an exclusive privilege of private initiative?




Video & Discussion

“At the Pleasure of the Foundation”: Two Years, Two Perspectives of Onassis AiR

Alexander Strecker, Federica Bueti

Heavens and pleasure – a suitable pairing, isn’t it? Yet in present-day Athens, access to havens is opaque and their pleasures are afforded to only a few. Drawing on the two speakers’ two years of experience with/in the artist residency Onassis AiR, this lecture-dialogue will explore how pleasures and collectivities clash with institutional demands for productivity and control. Speaking from two perspectives, inside and out, together they will ask: whose pleasure is it, after all?





Open Calls: baiting techniques and strategies for withholding creativity in the field of dance. From transparency to precarity.

Anastasios Koukoutas

A contribution that examines the linguistic uses of open calls of private institutions that perform the “promise” of transparency and openness, while in reality they contribute to job insecurity, competition and the expanding dominance of vertical hierarchy. By analyzing specific examples from the field of dance in Greece and Europe, this paper hopes to at least make visible the existing processes of ”calls”, their effects on the artistic field and working conditions.






Chara Stergiou

Focusing on the format of applications for participation in artistic programmes, donations or awards in the Greek visual arts scene, ‘Apply!’ examines how institutions are personified through this specific content and how the submission process — from the beginning to the end — outlines a personal but highly political psychography of artists and the identity of institutions in Greece.




Performance Lecture

Chained in the courtyard of the SNFCC. Works and days from the excavation of the century [Thematic: “Desmotes”]

Peggy Riga

In the spring of 2015, I received “an offer I could not refuse”: to participate in the excavation of the old Faliron racecourse in order to proceed with the construction of the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Centre. For the following five and a half months, I participated in the discovery of individual and group graves of people who had died violent deaths, therefore witnessing the worst face of antiquity but also the destructive indifference of a so-called “cultural” foundation towards the discovery of the century.


Academia Romantica



“It Would Be Great if You’d Have Me”: The Life and Times of Rebecca Juicing

Macklin Kowal

A survey of unsolicited emails—desperate attempts at programmation, sad pleas for acknowledgment—that Kowal began sending, under a pseudonym, to mainstream arts venues at the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic. Playful though odd, their sum is a puzzling meditation on insider/outsider dynamics and more broadly on the ethics of institutional cultural production in times of crisis, insurrection, and war.




Performance lecture

Breaking the shackles: Walter Benjamin at the SNFCC’s bovine meadow [Thematic: “Desmotes”]

Academia Romantica Athens Team

A multiform and multimedia art event as a study on the 2nd position on the philosophy of history by Walter Benjamin on the occasion of The Bound (“Desmotes”) and the Unbound in the surroundings of the SNFCC. Poetry, movement, lecture, cry. For “there is a secret agreement between the generations that have passed and ours. Are we not also touched by a breath of the air that surrounded our predecessors? Is there not an echo of those who have now been silenced in the voices that reach our ears today?”


Academia Romantica


Performance Lecture

The New Museum Saga


A performance recounting the events as they historically unfolded in the three-year communications feud between FYTA and New Museum’s collaboration with DESTE foundation in 2016-2019. The project was endorsed by W.A.G.E. (Working Artists and the Greater Economy), an international organisation that fights for the rights of artists and artworkers.

English, Greek




Papaki Foundation

Thanos Polymeneas-Liontiris

A sound intervention based on agreements signed between artists and cultural foundations, with a strong improvisation component and a slightly ironic disposition.

English, Greek



Musical Performance

Under the same roof?


Musical and sonic improvisation addressing the contradictions of the Athenian cultural scene. The daily inquiries of many artists blend with phrases derived from press releases and announcements of major private institutions, merging dynamically with electronic sounds. Words converge under a common roof and intertwine with a music that will never find its shelter.




Musical Performance



Libby Sacer Daughters

Something between casual conversation and a performance lecture, this workshop explores the possibilities for sabotaging the private institutions that have taken over the field of culture. Amongst other things, we talk about DIY projects, primary production, we stumble on life’s financial struggles and time management, we revisit solidarity, and open the conversation up to the individuals involved.

English, Greek




Survival recipes

Afroditi Anastopoulou / Christina Fragodimitraki / Iliana Fylla / Maria Glyka / Sofia Grigoriadou / Dimitra Kondylatou / Lela / Alkistis Lara Papadaki / Elpida Rikou / Steriani Tsintziloni

Exhibition of the results of a participatory workshop hosted by or.artspace. The workshop dealt with survival in the art world in Greece, using the artistic handling of food as a tool. Considering “recipes” as narratives that guide the creation of dishes while revealing their constitution, we explore issues around artist precariousness, mental resilience and the sustainability of independent art groups, among others. Workshop coordinators: Sofia Grigoriadou, Dimitra Kondylatou, Alkistis Lara Papadaki, Elpida Rikou. 11/12-13/12, 18:00-22:00





Critiques Anonymous

Critiques Anonymous

Exhibition of the results of the online mutual aid workshop “Critiques Anonymous”, hosted by TWIXTlab and specifically designed for people addicted to institutional art critique! Through the tools we developed together, we sought therapeutic ways for our equal survival in the art world, as subjects who consider criticism an integral part of it. 11/12-13/12, 18:00-22:00





Performative practices as a means of emerging forms of resistance

ReCompulsive Behaviours

In this exchange lecture, ReCompulsive Behaviours invite us to focused on reapproaching performative practices as a means of emerging forms of resistance. Participants are encouraged to reflect on and share their own experiences and to explore the potential problems and possibilities associated with these performative gestures as tools of political assertion and re-appropriation of public space.

English, Greek



Exchange Lecture

LGBTI movements and public space in the era of institutional appropriation of gender politics and identities

Danae Papaevangelou, Michalis Binios/Patras Pride, Fil Ieropoulos/LALA, Macklin Kowal/Sub Rosa Space

Starting with the presentation of the research “Neoliberalism and urban social movements: the example of Athens Pride and its spatial dimensions in the city of Athens” by Danae Papaevangelou, the panel will discuss how social movements and independent projects can respond to the institutional appropriation of concepts formed in social struggles.





Merely colonial?

Maria Kakogianni

Since 2010, the State has withdrawn from the field of culture, following a scorched-earth strategy. In the aftermath, large private cultural institutions come to invest and reshape the cultural space. ‘Simply colonization’ addresses this issue in terms of collectivity, emancipation, in a conversation with a lecture by Judith Butler, “Merely Cultural”.





Hydromassage: for an independent and revolutionary art

RefrACTionART (Aikaterini Kriezi and Lydia Margaroni)

Has art ever been independent? What are the limits of the work of art? The performative lecture “Hydromassage” raises questions and findings about the formation of Aesthetics in Art, with an arbitrary juxtaposition between the conditions of creation and the decisions of Trotsky and Breton in their 1938 manifesto “For an Independent and Revolutionary Art” and the present time.


Academia Romantica


Performance lecture

Parasitus Ridiculus

Dora Ba

Somewhere in the depths of a subway track, I found myself face to face with Parasitus Ridiculus, a character in Roman comedy who offers entertainment and amusement to patrons in exchange for food. But who is lurking at whose table? Who feeds whom and who is fed? A performative performance lecture-tour of ideas and thoughts. A selective retrospective. A monologue. A conversation. A series of questions without answers being necessary.




Performance Lecture

The unspeakable and undefined

Konstantinos Avramis

A performance lecture on the paralyzing, repressive control that large institutions exert on social initiatives. Once momentum is identified, a word rushes in and immobilises it forever. By studying Walter Benjamin, Jean Genet, Dimitris Dimitriadis and Eva Palmer Sikelianou, dramaturg Konstantinos Avramis turns against the most refined form of violence: “they shout our name to silence our voice”.


Academia Romantica


Performance lecture

Homemade Tramedies: A Manual on How to Choreograph in Your Flat

Myrto Delimichali

A performance, a discussion and a creative manual that will try to excavate the hidden topographies of ‘Homemade’ choreographies and discuss how artists — under the precarious condition of producing work — respond and position themselves to questions related to their artistic practice, the form and content of their work, the audience addressed.




Performance lecture